A Call for Immediate Action to Protect Minors in Religious Spaces
It is crucial that the church adopts a transparent and accountable approach, ensuring that perpetrators are held responsible for their actions.

By Patricia Onyango, Rongo
In the wake of the recent revelations about widespread sexual abuse within the German Protestant Church. The findings of the independent study, estimating as many as 9,355 minors falling victim to church ministers and staff, are nothing short of alarming.
The urgency of this matter cannot be overstated. It is disheartening to learn that, despite contractual agreements, the slow release of documents by regional churches has hindered a comprehensive investigation into the extent of the abuse. This not only impedes justice but also prolongs the suffering of survivors who have found the courage to come forward.
The figures presented in the study are not just statistics; they represent real lives, real pain, and real betrayal. As a concerned member of our community, I implore the German Protestant Church to take immediate and decisive action to address this crisis. The safety of minors should be the utmost priority, and the church must demonstrate a commitment to protecting the vulnerable.
Survivors of abuse deserve justice, support, and an assurance that their voices will not be silenced. It is crucial that the church adopts a transparent and accountable approach, ensuring that perpetrators are held responsible for their actions.
Additionally, the institution must work tirelessly to rebuild the shattered trust of its community, acknowledging the magnitude of the failure highlighted in the study.
The notion of an "action plan" scheduled for November is a step in the right direction, but the urgency demands more immediate measures. The church must collaborate with external experts and survivor advocacy groups to develop a comprehensive plan that includes counselling services, support networks, and preventive measures to safeguard against future abuses.
Furthermore, the church's leadership must engage in open dialogue with the community, fostering an environment where survivors feel empowered to share their stories without fear of retribution. It is only through transparency, sincere apologies, and meaningful actions that the healing process can begin.
As concerned citizens, we cannot remain silent on this matter. I urge fellow community members to join the call for immediate change. Let us demand that the German Protestant Church uphold its moral responsibility to protect the vulnerable, seek justice for survivors, and rebuild the trust that has been shattered by this grave failure.
In the face of such profound adversity, our collective voice has the power to instigate positive change. Together, let us strive for a religious community where the safety and well-being of every member, especially our minors, are non-negotiable priorities.